DPP UGM Doctoral Program (S3) Curriculum

The learning design at the UGM Political Science Doctoral Program is basically a doctoral by research program. It’s just that in the process of preparing candidates as independent researchers, they are facilitated by a number of courses that are held in a structured manner. If there is evidence that students already have competition in certain subjects, students are not required to take the specified courses. Courses can be organized in a structured manner if there are more than 5 students. If there are more than 5 people, students are then facilitated with the assistance of experts/experts or with lecture classes in general.

This doctoral by research program is structured with a structured curriculum to ensure the quality of independent research. Doctoral candidates who are facilitated by a number of courses that are organized in a structure will always go through three [3] important stages, namely [1] the pre-candidacy stage, [2] the research and dissertation writing stage, and [3] the dissertation testing stage. In terms of the process, phase and substance of independent research, it must have an adequate competency weight. Thus, the curriculum structure is intended to support the theoretical and methodological capacities used in analyzing political issues offered by doctoral candidate students. In the structured curriculum, two educational schemes will be applied, namely the lecture and non-lecture pathways (which have fulfilled educational competencies).

The curriculum structure of the Political Science Doctoral Program consists of four competencies that are presented with different pressure points but actually remain in a logical unit to find the state of art critical issues of the issue/study. The curriculum structure through the lecture pathway is divided into four lecture competencies covering [1] research issues, [2] political theory, [3] political science methodology and [4] social research methods.

Curriculum Structure

See Curriculum Structure

Lecture Flow

  1. Doctoral program students go through the pre-candization stage which will be facilitated by a number of courses that will be held in a structured manner. Courses can be organized in a structured manner if there are more than 5 students.
  2. Students who have evidence that they already have competence in certain subjects are not required to take the specified courses (waived scheme).
  3. Students take a comprehensive exam to assess their ability and competence in the methodology of social sciences (logic of social sciences), basic theories in the field of interest, research methods, and the substance of the study to be studied simultaneously.
  4. Students who have passed the comprehensive exam can take the academic mentoring process. The Promoter and Co-Promoter supervise students in making proposals, conducting research, and preparing dissertation manuscripts within the specified period.
  5. Students prepare a dissertation proposal under the guidance of the Promoter Team. The Promoter Team conducts collective and continuous mentoring under the coordination of the Promoter.
  6. Students can take a dissertation proposal exam after the proposal is approved by the Promoter Team. The proposal exam is a scheduled activity that is held during the lecture season in one semester.
  7. If the student is declared repeat, the re-examination may only be held once and must be held within a maximum of three months from the first proposal examination.
  8. Students conduct dissertation research after passing the dissertation proposal examination and obtaining approval from the Promoter Team. Students are required to complete research and writing a dissertation within a period of time in accordance with the applicable study period provisions.
  9. Each semester students are required to report the progress of their research implementation through an open study progress seminar which must be attended by the Promoter Team.
  10. The Promoter Team declares the feasibility of the dissertation manuscript to be assessed by the Assessment Team. The dissertation manuscript is assessed for feasibility by referring to the written standards set by the Study Program. Within one month from the submission of the dissertation manuscript.
  11. The Assessment Team conducts a review, conducts a meeting on the results of the review, and submits the results in writing to the Promoter team and students through the
  12. Fisipol Postgraduate Administration Office. Based on the results of the review, the Promoter team provides guidance to students to revise the dissertation manuscript. Students must revise the dissertation manuscript no later than six months from the date of assessment of the dissertation manuscript. In the event that the student does not submit the revised results within six months, the student concerned is declared unable to complete the dissertation writing. The Dean makes a proposal letter for dropping out of study to the Chancellor for students who have been declared unable.
  13. Students take closed examinations after their dissertation manuscript is declared eligible by the Assessment Team. Students must submit a complete dissertation manuscript that has been approved by the Promoter Team no later than ten days before the Closed Examination to the Fisipol Postgraduate Administration Office.
  14. Doctoral Program students who are declared to have passed the closed examination may propose to take part in the graduation or open examination.
  15. The open exam is only given to students who are declared to have passed the closed dissertation exam with a cumulative grade point average of lectures and the closed dissertation exam is equivalent to a score of more than 3.50 (three point five zero).
  16. An open examination can also be proposed by the Study Program as a form of appreciation for the outstanding contribution of the dissertation for scientific and institutional development by considering the recommendations of the examiner team.

Qualifying Exam

[1] Course assessment and examination

Combining written exams, oral exams and assignments including: Writing working papers, articles, journals, critical reviews and field activities.

[2] Comprehensive exam

The comprehensive examination is intended to assess the ability and competence in the methodology of the social sciences (logic of social sciences), the main theories in the field of interest of interest, research methods, and the substance of the study to be studied simultaneously. The comprehensive exam implementation plan is communicated to the examiners and students concerned at least one week prior to its implementation. The examination is carried out orally for a minimum of 60 minutes for each student. Meanwhile, the comprehensive exam examiner team consists of a chairperson and members formed by the Study Program and ratified by the Dean’s Decree. The Examiner Team is lecturers who teach doctoral program lectures and or lecturers who are planned to become promoters and co-promoters.

[3] Dissertation Research Proposal Examination

Students can take a dissertation research proposal exam after the proposal is approved by the Promoter Team. The proposal exam is a scheduled activity that is held during the lecture season in one semester. The exam implementation plan is communicated to the examiners and students concerned at least one week prior to its implementation. The implementation of the proposal exam took place orally for 120 minutes. The proposal examination is carried out by a dissertation proposal examination team consisting of the chairperson, the promoter team and three members formed by the Study Program and ratified by the Dean’s Decree. The proposal examination is led by the Dean (person in charge), and if unable to do so, can be replaced by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, or the Head of the Study Program, or other officials in the faculty appointed by the Dean. The Proposal Examiner Team are lecturers who have expertise in the theme that students want to research, and/or lecturers who have expertise in the field that students want to research.

[4] Dissertation Examination (closed and open)

  1. Closed Exam
    Doctoral candidates take a closed examination after completing the revision of the dissertation manuscript based on the assessment of the Dissertation Assessment Team and obtaining approval from the Promoter Team. The study program forms a dissertation examiner team consisting of the Chair, the Promoter Team and the Assessment Team (which is also the Examiner Team), which is ratified by the Dean’s Decree. The Head of the Closed Examination Examination Team is the Dean, who if unable to be represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs or the Head of the Study Program. The Study Program and the Postgraduate Administration Office of Fisipol schedule a closed examination. Doctoral candidates must have submitted a complete dissertation manuscript that has been approved by the Promoter Team no later than ten days before the Closed Examination to the Fisipol Postgraduate Administration Office. The closed examination lasts for 120 (one hundred and twenty) minutes, including 30 minutes for the submission of the main points of the dissertation by the Doctoral Candidate, and can be attended by interested students and Doctoral Candidates. After the closed examination ends, the Head of the Examiner Team holds a meeting of the results of the assessment and announces the results of the examination directly to the Doctoral Candidates.
  2. Open Exam
    The Open Examination is carried out no later than six months after the date of the closed examination. Doctoral candidates are required to submit a dissertation manuscript of eight copies which have been approved by the Promoter Team and the Examining Team in writing no later than ten days before the Open Examination. During the open examination, the Doctoral Candidate distributes a summary of the dissertation in a journal format which will also be published in a journal published by Fisipol UGM. Before the Open Examination is declared complete, the Examiner Team holds a meeting to determine the predicate of the Doctoral Candidate graduation. The open examination ends with the announcement of the graduation predicate and the submission of a Doctoral diploma by the Head of the Open Examination Team.