In order to expand networks with various parties and the spirit of campus collaboration, the Department opens opportunities for collaboration in various activities with partners. The collaborations that we have explored so far are in the form of cooperation in the academic field, cooperation in the field of research, collaboration in publications and cooperation in the field of community service. However, we also always open up opportunities for cooperation in other fields in accordance with the UGM spirit of “Rooted Strong and Soaring High”, the spirit of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences “Committed to Science for Better Society” and also the spirit of the Department of Politics and Government “Humanizing Politics”.
We divide our forms of cooperation into several categories:
Collaboration Process

The following is the workflow with the DPP Fisipol UGM:
- The proposal was submitted through an official letter addressed to the Head of PolGov, detailing the plan for cooperation with PolGov.
- The administrative decision of the department is officially conveyed by the Head of PolGov to the agencies/individuals that support the proposal.
- If the proposed collaboration is approved, the head of PolGov and the relevant research cluster team discuss the material and agreement.
- The cooperation agreement is stated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and affixed with the project proposal and budget. This MoU must be signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, as an individual authorized to represent the faculty, and by representatives from partner institutions/individuals.
Cooperation Period/Time
The cooperation period can be determined by following the agreed program requirements; per semester, per year or multi-year.