Ulya Niami Efrina Jamson, M.A.
Ulya Niami completed her undergraduate degrees at the Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM, in 2010, and at the Department of Development Studies (Gender and Development), School of Government, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, as well as her master’s degree in Political Science, UGM (2016). In 2008, she served as the coordinator of the Research and Publications Division, Family Planning Alliance of Indonesia (PKBI) Yogyakarta. She wrote her master’s thesis on the politics of identity among waria groups in Yogyakarta. She has frequently written about gender, multiculturalism, and civil society movements in general. These topics are also her research interests and the themes of the courses she teaches.
Email: ulya.jamson@ugm.ac.id
Ulya Niami is currently carrying out a study assignment to continue his doctoral studies, so she has not been involved in lecture activities at the Department of Politics and Government.
A list of Ulya’s research and publications can be accessed at the link: acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/ulyaniami