Nur Azizah, M.Sc
Nur Azizah completed her undergraduate studies at the Politics and Government Programme, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM, in 2001, and her master’s studies at the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 2008. Her research interests and expertise include Urban Politics, Local Politics and Decentralisation, and Government Management. Currently she is studying PhD at Australian National University.
In 2015, Nur Azizah conducted a study into Indonesia’s local regimes, which was published in the book Rezim Lokal di Indonesia (Local Regime in Indonesia, 2017). Another publication, resulting from collaborative research with researchers from other departments, was Komparasi Efektifitas dan Model Governance Inkubator Binis Digital antara Pengelola Pemerintah, BUMN, Swasta, Komunitas dan Universitas (A Comparison of the Effectiveness and Digital Business Incubator Governance Models of State-Owned, Private, Community, and University Enterprises, 2016).
Azizah is currently undergoing a study assignment to continue her doctoral program, so she has not been involved in lecture activities at the Department of Politics and Government.
A list of Azizah’s research and publications can be accessed at the link: