“The person who controls the data is the person who controls the world,” explained Rustika Herlambang, Director of Communications Indonesia Indicator in PolGov Talks fourth series, Friday (13-04). Located at Auditorium Mandiri FISIPOL UGM, PolGov Talks fourth series comes with the theme “Big Data and Electoral Politics in Indonesia”.
Data in online media and conversations in social media are a valuable resource for determinants of campaign strategy and election predictions. These data do not mean anything if not yet processed. Artificial Intellegent is a system that then able to process big data for the interests of electoral politics. “This system allows us to know who is the most popular, who is a negative exposure is higher, who is the most talked about, who is master of discourse,” explained Rustika. This media intelligence serves to monitor issues, early detect, priority cases, analysis of actors, and database profile.
Based on observations made since 2012 from 4008 online media, Rustika mentioned that there are six main criteria that become the key to winning the election. These criteria are media, candidate name spread, sentiment, issue content, trend, and populist direction.
Technology and big data is now a key word in the transformation of electoral politics in Indonesia. Data can be a foothold for predicting election and regional results.
Related to the 2019 election for example, through media intelligence, in 2018 began to see the names that appear to be president and vice president. “Through the media most talked about in the media is Jokowi (Joko Widodo), the second is Probowo,” explained Rustika. In April, Jokowi’s popularity was lower than Prabowo. Being in third place is Agus Harimurt Yudhoyono (AHY). Following the name Muhaimin Iskandar and on the fifth, Gatot Nurmantyo.
“So who is the potential president? In the network of conversations related to the candidates, the big ones are Jokowi and Probowo. Cak Imin where? He is not close to Jokowi and Prabowo, “said Rustika.
These big data-based predictions can also be used in elections and elections in Indonesia. “Social media does not determine the electoral winner, but he is able to disrupt people in making choices,” concluded Rustika.