Wigke Capri Arti, M.A.
Wigke Capri completed his bachelor’s degree at the Department of Government Science, FISIPOL UGM in 2008 with a thesis entitled “Subaltern Politics: The Struggle of Gay Identity”. Wigke continued her postgraduate studies at the Department of Social Policy for Development, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. In addition to her strata 2 degrees, Wigke Capri received a certificate of specialization in the field of Environmental and Sustainable Development for writing a thesis on the environmental ecology feminist movement in the gas extractive area in Groningen, the Netherlands.
She has attended short non-degree courses and training on “Energy in the European Union: Challenging Cooperation across Borders” with a scholarship from the Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG) in Spain, “Towards Sustainability” scholarship from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, summer course in the Department of Politics at the University of Oslo, Norway; and the ‘Reversing Resource Curse’ scholarship from the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and the Open Society Foundation at Central European University (CEU), Hungary. Her research interests include gender studies, development, feminist political ecology, water and sanitation, and social policy.
Email: wigke.capri@ugm.ac.id
Undergraduate Program:
- Extra-parliamentary Politics
- Politics of Natural Resources
- Indonesian Social and Political System
Master Program:
- Politics of Natural Resources
- Local Politics in a Global Context
A list of Wigke’s research and publications can be accessed at the link: acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/wigkecapri