Dr. Nanang Indra Kurniawan, M.P.A.
Nanang Indra Kurniawan is a lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM. His research interests include Civil Society, Environmental Politics, Natural Resource Politics, and Politics of Technology. Before becoming a lecturer in 2006, he was involved as a researcher and NGO activist with the Institute for Research and Empowerment (IRE), Yogyakarta. He received his undergraduate degree from the Government Science Programme, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM, in 2001, his master’s degree from the Department of Political Science and Management, University of Agder, Norway in 2006, and his doctorate degree from the Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, Australia in 2016.
Among his publications is the book Globalisasi dan Negara Kesejahteraan Norwegia (Globalisation and the Norwegian Welfare State, 2009). His journal articles include Struggle to Gain Representation: Mixed Politics in Democratising Indonesia (published in Power Conflict and Democracy Journal, Vol. II No.2. 2010) and Claiming Indigenous Rights through Participatory Mapping and the Making of Citizenship (co-written with Ståle Angen Rye, published in Political Geography).
Email: nanang.indra@ugm.ac.id
Nanang teaches the following courses:
Undergraduate Program
- Politics of Natural Resources
- Methodology in Political Science
Master Program
- Political Ecology
- Natural Resource Governance
- Research Methods
The complete list of Nanang’s publications can be accessed at the following link: acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/nanangindra